welcome to
The Struggle
is Real
This site was created for people who are trying their best to ‘adult’ in this confusing time. We offer information and support to those who are transitioning in life and are tired of asking parents or friends who can only speak to personal experience and want us to do things their way!
Whether you’re in your late teens or twenties and just getting started in your Adulting journey or you’re starting over after a big move or new relationship, I got you!
About Us
Who are 'we' anyway?
I’m Kaitlin, and I’ve been through a lot! I’ve tried many things most people haven’t and after spending a significant amount of time online, reading all the questions others have that I take for granted, I wanted to share what I know, what I’ve learned and the opinions of others on the subject. The information is a combination of real-world, first-hand experiences and research to boot!
I currently live in Western Canada and have for most of my life. I’ve travelled many different countries over numerous continents so far and look forward to getting back to it when travel is just a little easier!